Insurance FAQs in UAE - Car, Health, Home & Travel Insurance | ADNIC
Your questionsanswered
We’ve put together some of our most commonly asked questions to help.

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Asset Publisher
How do I report a home claim?
To report a home-related claim, you can simply call our toll free 8008040, submit the claim online, or send us an email at When you report the claim, you will need to send us a completed claim form.
Upon receipt of the claim, we will contact you within 2 working days to arrange inspection and assessment of the loss.
What do I do if I get into an accident outside of the UAE?
If you ever have a car accident whilst travelling outside the UAE, in either Oman, Bahrain, Qatar or Kuwait, we are here for you. If you would like to open your claim and have the vehicle repaired right where you are, you can do so by contacting our Car Insurance Claims Department in any of these countries, at the following numbers:
+971 2 408 0100
24 Hours -
+968 2 478 7828 -
+973 1 778 8788 -
+974 4 466 2025 -
+965 1 888 444
Why am I being charged with multiple excess?
The policy excess applies to non-recoverable claims, which you can read more about in your policy schedule. If you report multiple claims at the same time in which your vehicle was at fault or the third party is unknown, a separate excess will be applied for each claim.
However, in certain scenarios multiple excess deductibles can be charged on the same claim depending on the car insurance policy terms & conditions and the nature of the damages reported.
An additional excess may apply in one of the following scenarios:
Your policy includes a clause for additional excess deductible in case of off-road
The driver at the time of the accident was under the age of 25
Multiple damages due to unknown third parties, each individual damage reported may be subject a separate excess
For vehicles more than one year old, if the repair requires parts replacement you are entitled to reclaimed parts. However, should you request brand new parts a depreciation of 5% for ever year up to a maximum of 30% of the cost of the parts will be applicable.
How do I report a motor or car insurance claim?
To report a motor-related claim, you can simply call the ADNIC Motor Insurance Claims toll free number 800 8040 at any time, to open your claim. You can also submit your claim online or visit our ADNIC office and report your claim in person.
We will record details of the incident and then get back to you with the next steps.
Once your claim is opened, you will get a text message from us. This will contain a claim reference number and the contact details of a garage that is most appropriate to your policy and insured vehicle.
How do I cancel my car insurance policy?
In case you wish to cancel your existing policy with us, please feel free to reach out to any of our offices or call our contact center at 8008040
If my home insurance claim gets approved, how do I pay the settlement?
The settlement of your claim can be done through either cheque or bank transfer, once the IBAN details are provided.
If I need to make a home insurance claim, how soon do I report it to ADNIC?
You need to report the incident to us within 24 hours from the time of discovery, which may result in a claim.
How long does it take to process a medical claim?
Health & Medical insurance claims less than AED 2,500 are processed within 7 working days. Claims more than AED 2,500 are processed within 14 working days from the date of submission.
After I submit all the documents requested, how soon the home insurance claim will be approved?
Once you have submitted all of the required documents, the claim will be approved within 7 working days.
How can I pay the excess?
You can pay the excess directly at the agency or workshop’s customer service.
How can I stay updated on my car repair?
You can always call one of our six branches, at the following numbers:
+971 2 408 0100
24 Hours -
+971 4 515 4851
From 8am to 4pm -
+971 6 568 3743
From 8am to 4pm
+971 3 764 1834
From 8am to 4pm
Can I proceed with home repairs and then claim for the damaged incurred ?
Before you go ahead with repairs, you need to make sure you claim the damages first and receive approval. For more information, you can refer to the Claims Procedure section in your Policy.
What are my responsibilities after a loss?
Your responsibilities will differ depending on the type of claim, but there are two things that you should always do:
Report your claim to us immediately
Protect your property from further loss or damage
How do I recover my car from the place of accident?
You can call 8004405 to help you with recovery.
Which garages will you use to repair my vehicle?
If you have selected Agency Repairs, then your vehicle will be repaired at the authorized dealership of that vehicle.
Otherwise, we will select one of our own authorized repairers. Always be assured that we use the highest quality garages that adhere to our strict quality controls.
Do you accept scanned copies?
We accept scanned documents for claims under AED 2,500.
We require original documents for claims above AED 2,500.
What are the hazardous activities excluded?
The following sports are excluded:
Motor racing or motorcycle racing in any of its modes, big game hunting outside European Territory, underwater diving using artificial lung, navigation in international waters in craft not intended for the public transport of passengers, horse riding, climbing, pot holing, boxing, wrestling in any of its modes, martial arts, parachuting, hot air ballooning, free falling, gliding and, in general, any sport or recreational activity that is known to be dangerous.
Participation in competitions or tournaments organised by sporting federations or similar organisations.
Hazardous winter and/or summer sports such as skiing and/or similar sports.
Participation by the Insured in competitions, sports, and preparatory or training tests.
What documents do I need to report a claim?
You will need:
Original police report
Copy of the registration card
Copy of the driving license
ID Copy
Do you accept scanned copies?
We accept scanned copies initially in order to process the claim, however, you must send us original copies after the claim is approved and before the payment is made.
What are the documents I am required to submit when reporting a claim?
Make sure you attach the completed claim form when you report the claim to us. Upon review and further investigation of the claim, we might request additional documents based on the type of loss.
What action has to be taken in case of theft?
If you experience theft, first notify the police immediately. The police report is a mandatory document we require in such cases.
What do I do if a network provider did not accept my card?
If your card does not get accepted by a network provider, please call us at 8008040.
Asset Publisher
What do I do if I get into an accident outside of the UAE?
If you ever have a car accident whilst travelling outside the UAE, in either Oman, Bahrain, Qatar or Kuwait, we are here for you. If you would like to open your claim and have the vehicle repaired right where you are, you can do so by contacting our Car Insurance Claims Department in any of these countries, at the following numbers:
+971 2 408 0100
24 Hours -
+968 2 478 7828 -
+973 1 778 8788 -
+974 4 466 2025 -
+965 1 888 444
Why am I being charged with multiple excess?
The policy excess applies to non-recoverable claims, which you can read more about in your policy schedule. If you report multiple claims at the same time in which your vehicle was at fault or the third party is unknown, a separate excess will be applied for each claim.
However, in certain scenarios multiple excess deductibles can be charged on the same claim depending on the car insurance policy terms & conditions and the nature of the damages reported.
An additional excess may apply in one of the following scenarios:
Your policy includes a clause for additional excess deductible in case of off-road
The driver at the time of the accident was under the age of 25
Multiple damages due to unknown third parties, each individual damage reported may be subject a separate excess
For vehicles more than one year old, if the repair requires parts replacement you are entitled to reclaimed parts. However, should you request brand new parts a depreciation of 5% for ever year up to a maximum of 30% of the cost of the parts will be applicable.
How do I report a motor or car insurance claim?
To report a motor-related claim, you can simply call the ADNIC Motor Insurance Claims toll free number 800 8040 at any time, to open your claim. You can also submit your claim online or visit our ADNIC office and report your claim in person.
We will record details of the incident and then get back to you with the next steps.
Once your claim is opened, you will get a text message from us. This will contain a claim reference number and the contact details of a garage that is most appropriate to your policy and insured vehicle.
How do I cancel my car insurance policy?
In case you wish to cancel your existing policy with us, please feel free to reach out to any of our offices or call our contact center at 8008040
How can I pay the excess?
You can pay the excess directly at the agency or workshop’s customer service.
How can I stay updated on my car repair?
You can always call one of our six branches, at the following numbers:
+971 2 408 0100
24 Hours -
+971 4 515 4851
From 8am to 4pm -
+971 6 568 3743
From 8am to 4pm
+971 3 764 1834
From 8am to 4pm
How do I recover my car from the place of accident?
You can call 8004405 to help you with recovery.
Which garages will you use to repair my vehicle?
If you have selected Agency Repairs, then your vehicle will be repaired at the authorized dealership of that vehicle.
Otherwise, we will select one of our own authorized repairers. Always be assured that we use the highest quality garages that adhere to our strict quality controls.
What documents do I need to report a claim?
You will need:
Original police report
Copy of the registration card
Copy of the driving license
ID Copy
Asset Publisher
What documents do I need to submit for a medical claim reimbursement?
You can access the reimbursement claim form for health and medical insurance on our website, where you’ll also find instructions on how to submit reimbursement claims.
How long does it take to process a medical claim?
Health & Medical insurance claims less than AED 2,500 are processed within 7 working days. Claims more than AED 2,500 are processed within 14 working days from the date of submission.
Who do I contact if I need to follow up on my medical claim, or if there are any discrepancies in the settlement?
To get in touch with us about your medical insurance claim once you have submitted it, either call 8008040, or you can send in your queries to
Where do I submit my medical claim?
If your claim is less than AED 2,500, you can submit it through our mobile app or send it to
If your claim is more than AED 2,500, you will need to send it to ADNIC through an agreed upon channel through your insurance broker or HR, along with supporting documents.
Do you accept scanned copies?
We accept scanned documents for claims under AED 2,500.
We require original documents for claims above AED 2,500.
Who should I contact for pre-approval and how?
Pre-approval for your treatment within our network will be taken care of by your provider. For reimbursement cases, you can send in your pre-approval requests to
What documents do I need to submit in order to get a pre-approval for each?
Within network:
Your provider will take care of your pre-approval documents for you.
Overseas treatment:
If you are getting treatment overseas, the required documents needed for pre-approval will be listed in the medical report, investigation reports and preliminary cost estimate.
How long does pre-approval take?
Pre-approval takes 24-48 hours for non-emergency cases. If you have an emergency case, you don’t need pre-approval.
What am I expected to have in order to get pre-approval from network providers?
You will need to provide your Emirates ID and a valid ADNIC insurance card. You can only go ahead with your treatment if you have these with you. Pre-authorization procedures will be taken care of by the provider according to the service level agreement.
Which medical procedures require a pre-approval? For the UAE:
Within network: Your provider will take care of your pre-approval documents for you, according to the service level agreement.
Outside network: Prior approval is not required. The settlement is subject to claim evaluation, according to your Policy terms and conditions.
The requirement varies and is subject to your policy’s terms and conditions.
What do I do if a network provider did not accept my card?
If your card does not get accepted by a network provider, please call us at 8008040.
If my claim gets approved, how do I pay the settlement?
The settlement of your claim can be done through either cheque or bank transfer, once the IBAN details are provided.
Am I intimated of any additional requirements?
Yes, we will let you know if we require any other documents for your claim reimbursement. You must submit any additional requirements within 30 days of reporting the claim.
Asset Publisher
How do I report a home claim?
To report a home-related claim, you can simply call our toll free 8008040, submit the claim online, or send us an email at When you report the claim, you will need to send us a completed claim form.
Upon receipt of the claim, we will contact you within 2 working days to arrange inspection and assessment of the loss.
If my home insurance claim gets approved, how do I pay the settlement?
The settlement of your claim can be done through either cheque or bank transfer, once the IBAN details are provided.
If I need to make a home insurance claim, how soon do I report it to ADNIC?
You need to report the incident to us within 24 hours from the time of discovery, which may result in a claim.
After I submit all the documents requested, how soon the home insurance claim will be approved?
Once you have submitted all of the required documents, the claim will be approved within 7 working days.
Can I proceed with home repairs and then claim for the damaged incurred ?
Before you go ahead with repairs, you need to make sure you claim the damages first and receive approval. For more information, you can refer to the Claims Procedure section in your Policy.
What are my responsibilities after a loss?
Your responsibilities will differ depending on the type of claim, but there are two things that you should always do:
Report your claim to us immediately
Protect your property from further loss or damage
Do you accept scanned copies?
We accept scanned copies initially in order to process the claim, however, you must send us original copies after the claim is approved and before the payment is made.
What are the documents I am required to submit when reporting a claim?
Make sure you attach the completed claim form when you report the claim to us. Upon review and further investigation of the claim, we might request additional documents based on the type of loss.
What action has to be taken in case of theft?
If you experience theft, first notify the police immediately. The police report is a mandatory document we require in such cases.
What do I do if a network provider did not accept my card?
If your card does not get accepted by a network provider, please call us at 8008040.
Asset Publisher
What happens if I'm the victim of a terrorist attack whilst abroad?
War and terrorism are standard exclusions under the terms and conditions of the policy.
How many days can I go on a holiday for, under the travel insurance policy?
You can find this information in your insurance certificate, which will specify how long your coverage lasts when travelling.
What are the age limits of the policy?
The minimum age is 30 days and the maximum age is 80 years.
What is the definition of a pre-existing disease?
A pre-existing disease is a condition that the insured person suffered from, prior to the date of taking out this policy, even if it wasn’t diagnosed.
Do you require the original invoices for the expenses claimed?
Yes, we do require the original invoices in order to process your claim.
What are the hazardous activities excluded?
The following sports are excluded:
Motor racing or motorcycle racing in any of its modes, big game hunting outside European Territory, underwater diving using artificial lung, navigation in international waters in craft not intended for the public transport of passengers, horse riding, climbing, pot holing, boxing, wrestling in any of its modes, martial arts, parachuting, hot air ballooning, free falling, gliding and, in general, any sport or recreational activity that is known to be dangerous.
Participation in competitions or tournaments organised by sporting federations or similar organisations.
Hazardous winter and/or summer sports such as skiing and/or similar sports.
Participation by the Insured in competitions, sports, and preparatory or training tests.
What happens if I have a medical emergency or other travel-related problems abroad?
If you experience any issues abroad, you can contact the assistance company that is listed in your insurance policy, who will be able to help you.