Corporate Governance
Governance Structure
ADNIC maintains a high level of transparency and accountability throughout its Management practices. We believe we have this responsibility to our shareholders and the community collectively. To this end, ADNIC implements and monitors business objectives, strategies, and procedures that comply with its legal and ethical responsibilities. This is how we embed good corporate governance principles and practices into the way we do business. The Board has established four permanent Board-level Committees to assist in executing its functions, empowered, and entrusted with responsibilities to implement the resolutions of the Board.
The board of directors
Our board of directors consists of nine non-executive and independent members. Explore our current board of directors.
Board committees
We also have four permanent board-level committees:
Audit committee
Nomination and remuneration committee
Investment committee
Risk management committee
Discover more about our commitment to good corporate governance in our latest annual report, corporate governance report, sustainability report and the integrated report.